Chimkin (noun)
Translation: Chicken, can be used to refer to any small-medium fowl
Variations: Chickie, chicken, chicky, chimken, chikkies
Crowd Sourced Definition and Usage
Lady Luna and Princess Tia (lady.luna_and_princess.tia)
“As long as it’s in my belly, you can call it whatever yoo want”
Bertie (bertiebedo7)
“Yesh chimkin! Coz da ckckkckc in chiCKKKen iz hard to say! Me Mum sayz dust gimme I sayz. Roast mine first mum pease”
My Doggie Daily (my doggie daily)
“Call what you want, just toss it this way!!”
Gandalf the Greyhound (galdalf_the_greyhound)
“Only chikkies when it’s chikky nuggies”
Roscoe the Hound (roscoe_the_hound)
”Justice and chimkin for all!”
Watson (dogter_watson)
Translation: Chicken, can be used to refer to any small-medium fowl
Variations: Chickie, chicken, chicky, chimken, chikkies
Crowd Sourced Definition and Usage
Lady Luna and Princess Tia (lady.luna_and_princess.tia)
“As long as it’s in my belly, you can call it whatever yoo want”
Bertie (bertiebedo7)
“Yesh chimkin! Coz da ckckkckc in chiCKKKen iz hard to say! Me Mum sayz dust gimme I sayz. Roast mine first mum pease”
My Doggie Daily (my doggie daily)
“Call what you want, just toss it this way!!”
Gandalf the Greyhound (galdalf_the_greyhound)
“Only chikkies when it’s chikky nuggies”
Roscoe the Hound (roscoe_the_hound)
”Justice and chimkin for all!”
Watson (dogter_watson)